Dangers of Kamagra - Erectile Dysfunction

Kamagra is a medication for treating erectile dysfunction. It is taken orally and is usually taken about an hour before sexual activity.

It can be dangerous to take as it may interact with some other medications such as those for heart disease and high blood pressure.

It is sold online

Men can buy several approved and legal treatments for erectile dysfunction online without a prescription from websites like Cloud Pharmacy. These are regulated pharmacies that have to follow GPhC and MHRA guidelines, meaning you can be sure that the treatment you purchase will be safe for you. If you buy medicine from an unregulated website, it could be dangerous as it is impossible to know what the medication contains. This is because the medicines may have been manufactured incorrectly, or could contain ingredients that are not safe for you to consume.

Kamagra Jelly is a popular treatment for ED and it consists of a tablet that you take to increase blood flow to the penis and help you achieve an erection when you are aroused. The active ingredient in Kamagra is sildenafil, which was originally formulated to treat men who suffer from erectile dysfunction caused by certain types of medications. However, it has also been used by men who have pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and those who are taking antidepressants and experience sexual dysfunction.

Kamagra is also available in a flavored oral jelly that you can take to enhance sexual performance. It has the same active ingredient as the tablets, but it is dissolved in water and comes in small pouches for ease of consumption. It should only be taken when you are aroused to ensure the effect works.

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It is not licensed in the United Kingdom

Although Kamagra is a popular treatment for erectile dysfunction it is not licensed to be sold in the UK. This is because it does not meet the quality, safety, and efficacy standards required by law to be prescribed as a medicine in the UK. It is a tablet or jelly that contains sildenafil citrate which is the same active ingredient in Viagra but it has not been specifically approved for use by the MHRA. This means that if you buy it online without a prescription it is illegal.

Taking medicines without a doctor's prescription can be dangerous as the contents of the tablets or jelly cannot be verified and it is unknown what else could be in them. Purchasing medicines from another country is also a criminal offence, even if it is for personal use and you could be fined or jailed.

There are safer and legal options to purchase ED treatments including generic medications that work in the same way as brand-name treatments but at a fraction of the price. These are available through reputable and trusted online providers like ZAVA. It is possible to get a free prescription for them by filling in a simple questionnaire that will be assessed by a doctor.

It is not worth risking your health or breaking the law just to save a few pounds. There are other, much safer, and more effective ways to treat erectile dysfunction such as lifestyle changes, counseling, or medication.

It is not regulated by the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Many men feel embarrassed to talk to their doctor about erectile dysfunction (ED), and so choose to buy unlicensed ED medicines on the black market. However, these products are at best ineffective and at worst very dangerous.

They have not gone through the proper testing that a prescription-only medicine would receive. This means that there are no guarantees that the Kamagra tablets contain sildenafil citrate, and the other ingredients in the tablet may be causing side effects that were not anticipated. Furthermore, the sachets of Kamagra sold on the black market may be contaminated with other medications such as ones used to treat diabetes or those which can interact dangerously with nitrates (used to treat heart conditions) and alpha-blockers.

It is also not safe to take Kamagra without a prescription because it can cause a range of serious side effects, including allergic reactions (which can be deadly), tinnitus, one-sided weakness, or a prolonged and painful erection called priapism. This condition can cause permanent damage to the penis and is not worth risking.

Buying medicines without a prescription is not just illegal, but can lead to a criminal conviction. This is because the GPhC and MHRA regulate the supply of medicines and so any person that breaks this law can be prosecuted. Cloud Pharmacy has a wide range of treatments for erectile dysfunction available, and it is far better to seek the help of a qualified GPhC registered doctor than to gamble with your health by purchasing unlicensed drugs on the black market.

It is made in India

Kamagra is made in India by a company called Ajanta Pharma. The active ingredient is Sildenafil Citrate, which is also found in Viagra and is a well-known treatment for ED. However, it is not licensed in the UK, so it cannot be bought legally without a prescription. This is a big problem because unlicensed medicines can contain harmful ingredients, incorrect dosage strengths, or additional additives that aren’t listed on the packaging. Purchasing medication from a country outside the UK without a prescription is a criminal offense and can result in a fine or even imprisonment.

Some people who buy Kamagra and other ED treatments online are unaware that they are buying illegal products. The website they are buying from may be based in another country, and they could be selling counterfeit medication. It is also unlikely that they will be able to provide any support or advice should problems arise with the medication.

It’s never worth taking the risk of buying unlicensed Kamagra or any other ED treatment. There are plenty of legal and licensed options available from trusted online pharmacies like ZAVA, which offer a free, confidential health consultation before a prescription is sent out to you. This allows you to be sure that you are purchasing a treatment that is suitable for your specific needs and will not interact with any other medications you are taking or aggravate any existing medical conditions.